-- NOTE: For people that don't know its purpose please just ignore this app. Thank you --
When you open an image editor it has features like adding your gallery images on the image editor for editing. But sometimes you want to add images found on google images and edit those, so steps will be to download it then use that. But if you have the url of the image you can just use this app when it asks you where to get images from usually with "Gallery" "File Explorer" "Open From Url" you choose this and paste the link and you don't have to save the initial file on your downloads folder. - If you don't understand this please ignore this app.
Open From Url is an app that lets you choose to get any files from internet with a link. So if you have an image from internet that you want to edit, you can copy the link and paste it in the textbox when you choose Open From Url as your Browse Gallery.
- Complete action using "Open From Url"
- Automatically paste url if found in your clipboard
- Clear Defaults, button for clearing self as default app
- Click logo to open images.google.com
If you found any bugs, errors, problems or suggestions send me an email on the email listed below.
- made ads less intrusive
- added save to downloads
- initial release- 注意:请人不知道它的目的只是忽略这个程序。谢谢 -
当你打开一个图像编辑器,它具有的功能,如添加您的画廊图片上的图像编辑器进行编辑。但有时你要添加的发现在谷歌图像编辑这些图像,这样的步骤将是下载它,然后使用该。但如果你有图像,你可以使用这个应用程序时,它要求你在哪里图像通常与“画廊”,“档案总管”打开网址“你选择了这个并粘贴该链接的url,而你不知道您的下载文件夹中保存的初始文件。 - 如果你不明白这一点,请忽略此应用程序。
- 完整的行动“打开网址”
- 自动粘贴URL,如果发现在你的剪贴板
- 清除默认值,清除自我为默认应用程序的按钮
- 点击标志打开images.google.com
- 广告侵扰程度较低的
- 增加了保存下载
- 初始版本